In a dramatic incident that took place at the Coliseum train station in Oakland, California when people were returning after the Oakland Raiders game, a man’s life was saved he – but only just.

In the heart-stopping video (above), a man is seen stumbling and falling into the path of an onrushing train. A Transit Supervisor, identified as John O’Connor, standing nearby hauled him back on the platform in the nick of time.

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transhit (SFBART), posted the CCTV footage on Twitter, calling O’Connor “our humble hero,” adding that he has worked at BART for over 20 years.


A video of the moments after the incident has also been posted on social media (top) and shows an emotional moment for the whole crowd. John O’Connor and the man he saved are seen hugging, and the crowd is incredibly moved as well.

Social media users are now gushing about O’Connor’s bravery, commending the risk he took to save the man who fell: