On September 23, the United States’ President Donald Trump called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a version of the rock singer Elvis Presley. Modi managed to pull a crowd of almost 50,000 to the NRG Stadium in Houston for his “Howdy Modi” event, something that, according to Trump, makes him similar to Elvis Presley the rockstar.

Scroll.in spoke to the Indian Presley impersonator – Siddharth Meghani – on what he thinks of Modi being called “a version of Presley”.

“I fully agree with Trump’s comment,” Meghani said. “Presley was a crowd-puller, and so is Modi. I think they are, in fact, quite similar.”

Meghani isn’t India’s only Elvis imitator. There’s also Mehmood Curmally (video below).

They are both heirs of a tradition that dates back at least to the 1970s, when a Mumbai entertainer named Mervyn Rufus did Elvis imitations and even recorded a cassette album featuring some of his tunes.