It all started on September 22, 1994, when rich girl Rachel Green jumped her wedding, and in desperate need for help, reunited with her high school friend Monica Geller, who was actually not invited to the said wedding. The one with the many names, The Pilot episode aka The One Where It All Began, The One Where Monica Gets A Roommate or simply, The First One, began the wildly popular run of the Warner Bros Television’s F.R.I.E.N.D.S., which completed 10 seasons in 2004, with the final episode being aired on May 6 that year.

From Chandler’s sarcasm, Monica’s cleanliness obsession, Phoebe’s quirks, Joey’s silliness and love for food, and Ross and Rachel’s convoluted romance, every aspect of the sitcom has been watched by several generations, going from an episodic TV show to a weekend binge.


Naturally, the world got together to celebrate the cult show on its 25th anniversary. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai lit up, Meghan Trainor did a special cover of the iconic F.R.I.E.N.D.S. song, and of course, there was a cat video.

Meanwhile, brands across the internet – from those selling experiences to actual products – promised to be there for you too...

The Israel Defense Forces also tweeted out a strange video of a few officers dancing to the show’s theme in their own celebration of the 25th anniversary.

Google, of course, joined the party with a very special feature added to their search.

While the silver jubilee did make some feel old, others were all love and nostalgia.

An icon of American pop-culture, the show has inspired several (but not always successful) remakes.

Yet, the 1990s cult-classic has recently come under the scanner for being problematic. Often compared to the NBC sitcom Seinfeld (1989-1998), the show has been critiqued for its absolute lack of diversity, fat-shaming, sexualisation and objectification, gender stereotyping and transphobia. Others have argued that it has simply lost its relevance.