Publishing company Penguin Random House’s recent post featuring two African penguins interning – read: dawdling – at their book distribution centre in Baltimore, USA had social media in raptures.

Newspapers and online magazines could not help exclaiming at the sight of the penguins shuffling about in the warehouse. The two penguins, Lilly and Tetra, The New York Post wrote, were completely unprepared for their first day at the job with the company whose earlier avatar was named after their species.


“When given books, they attempted to eat them,” said the report. “And despite their jobs requiring mostly manual labour, the pair exclusively wore tuxes to work.”

However, as one user pointed out, some concerns remain about using animals as marketing props.

The two African penguins, animal ambassadors from the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore, were at Penguin Random House to promote the zoo’s efforts to protect their peers’ habitats in exchange for a donation from the publishing house.