After love and heartbreak, potholes may have inspired the largest number of songs in India. These large gaping craters filled with muddy water have now inspired Goa-based YouTuber Cecille Rodrigues to create the Rosto song – a bumpy version of Konkani pop singer Lorna Cordeiro’s 70s number Bebdo.

The original Bebdo is about a woman singing of the woes of being married to an alcoholic (Bebdo translates to drunkard). In her 2019 take, Rodrigues sings of the woes of having elected a government that cares just about votes and not about roads.


Riding on two-wheelers, sitting on roads with their surfaces in a mess, and dancing in front of potholes, the hilarious Rodrigues, along with her friends, sings in Konkani:

Our fate really sucks, no?
They’ve placed red stones on the roads.
When you do such cheap work
who benefits from the labour?
Our P-W-D minister
has gone on a tour it seems like, sister

The video then riffs on the classic Bebdo chorus:

Do you know what he says now and then?
Come, my dear, come!
I want some wine first, come
And if you don’t give me wine
I am going to break your head!

And turns it into:

And you know what people say?
Come government
I need a good road first
If you don’t give me a good road
I will break your head!

Here’s the original Bebdo.