In the preparation for her soon-to-be-launched show on US television, vlogger “Superwoman” Lilly Singh met satirist Hasan Minhaj recently for his advice on how to be a better host. Minhaj was previously associated with The Daily Show and now hosts Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj on Netflix.

According to Singh, the two people she consulted for advice were Minhaj and wrestler-turned-actor Dwayne Johnson. Recalling the advice that host Jon Stewart gave him during the time he spent on The Daily Show, Minhaj shared his “no note” suggestion with Singh. “The note of having no note was the best note,” he said. Minhaj’s advice to Singh also included telling her to figure out what she “really wants to talk about”.

Singh is the first South Asian woman to be hosting a late night show on US television. The show is expected to air in September 2019. Singh is a Canadian YouTuber and vlogger of Indian origin and is known for her videos involving India-inspired characters and social commentary.