July 29 is marked as International Tiger Day. On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the All India Tiger Estimation Report 2018 that has put the number of tigers in the country at 2,967.

According to PTI, the number of tigers in the country in 2006 was 1,411, and has risen to 2,967 in 2018.

According to a video released by the Press Information Bureau (top), there are less than 4,000 tigers in the world today, 70% of which live in India.

The All India Tiger Estimation Report is the result of an exercise undertaken by the government of India every four years to “check the health of the population of tigers in the country”.

How are tigers counted?

The PIB video shows a glimpse of the procedure used to count the tigers. It involves foresters and scientists covering approximately “half-a-million square kilometres to collect physical signs of tigers”. The exercise, reportedly, is the biggest wildlife survey ever undertaken in the world.