On June 13, the United States President Donald Trump made a surprise announcement that Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be stepping down from her post of the White House press secretary at the end of the month.

“She’s tough, but she’s good, (she’s) also tough and bad, she’s tough and she’s good, she’s great,” Trump said.

An emotional Sanders said, “This has been the honour of a lifetime. I couldn’t have been prouder to have had the opportunity to serve my country, particularly to work for this president.” Sanders also said that she will continue to be “one of the most outspoken and loyal supporters of the president and his agenda”. She also hinted that she expected President Trump to return to power in 2020 when she said that he will have “incredible six more years”.


Sanders will be heading back to her home state Arkansas and Trump hopes that she will run for the position of the Governor there.

Sanders has made more than one controversial comment during her two-and-a-half-year tenure as the White House press secretary, and supported President Trump though thick and thin, including defending him against sexual misconduct allegations.

In June 2018, White House correspondent Brian Karem had lashed out at Sanders during a briefing for not doing enough to stop the separation of immigrant children from their families at the US borders.

Sanders also found herself in a tough spot during a briefing in August 2017 while defending President Donald Trump’s claim – challenged by many – that he spoke to the President of Mexico and the leader of the Boy Scouts over the phone. She claimed that the conversations were real but they did not happen over the phone.