Even as reports come in of a military takeover underway in Sudan, a stunning image of a woman standing on top a car, leading the crowd below in a chant, has become the face of the protests that have erupted in Sudan.

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the capital Khartoum during ongoing protests in recent months against the government over the cost of living, including fuel and food prices. The marches saw women taking up pivotal roles, calling on President Omar al-Bashir to step down.


The BBC reported that more than 70 percent of the protesters were estimated to be women and many were detained since the first wave of the protests started towards the end of 2018.

The woman in the picture was identified by BuzzFeed News as 22-year-old Alaa Salah. Local photographer Lana Haroun, who captured the picture that has become an inspiration, told CNN, “She was trying to give everyone hope and positive energy and she did it. She was representing all Sudanese women and girls and she inspired every woman and girl at the sit-in. She was telling the story of Sudanese women. ... She was perfect.”

A video of Salah chanting for people to bring down the president’s regime was also shared. Similar pictures and videos of women, some of whom also called to end sexism in the country, have garnered praise on social media.