After two long years of waiting, United States Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally submitted the report of his investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

But the summary of the findings of the report by Attorney General William Barr left many people, including late night show hosts, surprised (to put it very mildly). On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert was troubled by the news that the president was not a Russian asset. “I say ‘troubling’ because if Trump is not working with the Russians, then what the hell is wrong with him?” the host joked.


But he made sure to remind viewers of all the other open investigations against him and said that the list of reasons why Trump is a bad president is still very long.

On his show, Jimmy Kimmel reasoned that, deep down, everyone knew Trump did not collude with Russia because he could never pull it off.

The Daily Show host Trevor Noah was also dismayed at the conclusion of the report but reiterated that it did not “totally exonerate” Trump, as the president had claimed.