A YouTube collective has come up with a parody version of Queen’s evergreen classic Bohemian Rhapsody, which now looks destined to last beyond the end of the human race, while another video features a pika channeling Freddie Mercury.

Bohemian Rhapsody, which is also, conveniently, the title of the biopic of Queen, has introduced a whole new generation to the British rock band and its legendary songs.

Cashing in on the renewed interest, the YouTube channel Dustin & Genevieve has created a parody version of the song, titled Opinion Rhapsody. The lyrics, written by and sung by Dustin Ahkuoi, poke fun at social media fights and online trolls.

However, this is not the only Queen number that been parodied in recent times. Joe Vivers, a video editor, has created a hilarious mashup featuring a pika (a small mammal related to the rabbit family) and vocals by Freddie Mercury, from a historic show by the band in Budapest. The video has amused thousands of people since it was posted on social media.