With an ever-increasing range of products and services out there to lure the consumer, it is almost impossible now for homes and lives to be clutter-free. It is partly as a push-back to this culture of acquisition that some people have chosen to consciously follow a minimalist style of living.

But what is such a life like? Independent filmmaker Matt D’Avella, who practises minimalism, turned the camera on his own existence to show a day in his own life. D’Avella, best known for his Netflix documentary, Minimalism: A Documentary About The Important Things, also uses the style in his films.


In his latest video post on YouTube, D’Avella continued his effort to make people understand minimalism and to clear misconceptions by sharing snippets from his daily life – right from the time he wakes up to when he ends his day.

You can watch some of his other videos about minimalism below.