After last week’s terrifying Donald Trump speech, which forced talk show host Jon Stewart out of retirement, FLOTUS Michelle Obama decided to hit back with a rousing speech of her own at the Democratic National Convention on Monday.

The speech, which had the audience in tears by the end, is being cited as a significant one and comparable to the one that former US President Bill Clinton gave in endorsement of Barack Obama before his reelection. Covering race, the present state of America, and whom children should and would choose as a role model, the First Lady of the US drew a clear line between Trump's rabblerousing hate and what she felt was Hillary Clinton's inspiring candidacy.


The 15-minute long speech made Hilary Clinton's nomination personal and urgent, and an inspiring scene-stealing moment for Michelle Obama who is being called Clinton's ace in the hole for uniting Democrats against one single foe – Donald Trump.

Although she chose not to mention the Republican nominee by name, Obama took direct aim at Trump who spoke about the dire straits the US is supposedly in – something he needs to do to convince everyone to vote for him. Obama decided to tell the attendees otherwise. “So don’t let anyone ever tell you this country isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great again because this right now is the greatest country on earth,” she said.

To loud cheers, she said that Hillary Clinton is a candidate who understands key issues, unlike someone whose understanding is “black and white” and can “be boiled down to 140 characters” – a reference to Trump’s penchant to let loose on Twitter.


Clinton is the only candidate fit for the job according to Obama, the e-mail leak controversy notwithstanding. “What I admire most about Hillary is that she never buckles under pressure. She never takes the easy way out. And Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her life. And when I think about the kind of president I want for my girls and all our children, that’s what I want,” she said.

Speaking about the significance of a female candidate for the US presidency, she said, "Because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters, and all our sons and daughters, now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States." However, there are differing views on that sentiment.

Many social media users (POTUS included) were not immune to the first lady's passionate endorsement.