Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin had to field a tough question about her decision to endorse Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump – from a 10-year-old.

During a Q&A session at the end of Politicon 2016, a political convention in Los Angeles, fifth-grader Adam Chernick asked Palin: “How come you’re endorsing Donald Trump?”

Chernick referred to the Presidential candidate's “blood coming out of her wherever” comment about Fox News host Megyn Kelly and asked Palin, “How can you endorse someone who is sexist?”


In this video, Palin, who seems lost for words, simply says: “Donald Trump isn’t sexist. If he were, I wouldn’t be endorsing him." Political commentator James Carville, who was hosting the discussion with Palin at the convention, also looks a little taken aback.

In August last year Trump, had said about Kelly, “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her...wherever,” after the Fox News host had grilled him during a Republican debate.

Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate, had expressed her support for Trump in January 2016, becoming his most high-profile backer.