Last week, the people of the United Kingdom voted in a majority for a British exit from the European Union, leading Oliver to question if the "United" in the UK was "sarcastic".

In the aftermath of the event the pound fell to a historic low, stock markets everywhere plunged and the British Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation.

In the clip above, a vignette from the latest episode of Last Week Tonight, Oliver takes on everyone from Cameron, who "proposed the in-out choice himself which he normally only does when he's deciding whether to f**k a pig's mouth" to Boris Johnson, a "shaved orangutan with Owen Wilson's hair" and the possible future Prime Minister and Nigel Farage, the "three-time cover model for 'Punchable Face' magazine".


He even takes on Donald Trump, who turned up in Scotland during the vote to promote his golf course and when he asked about the Brexit he answered in endless contradictions and said "absolutely nothing".

Before the referendum, Oliver had made an impassioned plea to the people of his home country to vote to stay in the European Union.

He even had an idea for a song for the EU national anthem.

Since quite a few British people searched the internet for what the EU was, here's a short explainer.