In exciting news for amphibians everywhere and "one lucky pig", there's a new frog sex position: It's called the "dorsal straddle". A picture of it is below. Any tadpoles who might be reading this: Proceed with caution.

In the segment, American late night host Stephen Colbert goes on to list the rest of the positions with a gag with each one. "Number four: Glued, that's after one of you went out for dinner at the Indian Buffet". During the show, Colbert didn't know whether the images of frogs spawning would be blurred by the network. Fortunately or unfortunately, they were.

There are an estimated 7,000 species of frogs on planet Earth and only 6 known sex positions were known. "Still, three more than humans have," Colbert remarks, listing them out: "lights on, lights off and birthday."


But is the story real? Has Colbert reverted back to his satire-heavy persona? Or are there actually scientists in the forests of India spending months on end analysing frog copulation?

No, no and yes.

Scientists recently discovered the frog dorsal straddle, a position observed only in Bombay Night Frogs who are found in the Western Ghats. Their mating seasons is at its peak in the monsoon. Satyadhama Das Bhiju, an amphibians expert said, "it differs from the other six positions because the male does not grasp the female under her armpits or head, but instead places his hands on the leaf, branch or tree trunk the pair is sitting on."

The video below showcases the unique nocturnal activities of these frogs.