On the latest episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, there was a surprise guest who joined Fallon in his attempt to slow jam the news. Slow jam? That's when you gently croon the news headlines while a calming blues track played in the background.

The surprise guest was outgoing US President Barack Obama, who has less than eight months left in his Presidency. The duo decided to look back at Obama's eight years in office and mostly talk about his successes. In a hilarious skit the President and Fallon busted out some smooth rhymes to groovy tunes.


One of the studio musicians sings, "He created tonnes of jobs for you and me. And he's got one more left for Hi-la-ree."

Referring to his policies on medical aid, same sex marriages and clean energy, the President jammed, "In short, climate change is real. Medical care is affordable. And love is love."

Fallon responded, "When Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade, Beyonce started calling him Baracky with the good hair."

When another singer wished he could stay for a third term, Obama said, "No, be no third term. I can't stay forever. Besides, Daddy's got a Hawaiian vacation booked in about 223 days. But, who's counting?"


He continued, "I know some of the Presidential candidates have been critical of my foreign policy but I don't want to name any names."

"Talking about Donald Trump," a background singer chimed.

Prompting Fallon to say, "Mr President, since you are here, I got to ask, have you been watching all the election coverage this week about Donald Trump?"

"No, but I have been watching my new favourite show – Orange is not the new black."

He even employed his signature Presidential double mic drop.

In the sit down interview following the performance, Obama responded to the news of Trump's being the Republican nominee: "But the truth is I am actually worried about the Republican Party. This country works when you have two parties that are serious and trying to solve problems. And they've got philosophical differences and they have fierce debates and they argue and they contest elections. But at the end of the day, what you want is a healthy two-party system. You want the Republican nominee to be somebody who could do the job if they win."

Of Hillary Clinton, he said, "It was a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to have a contested primary and I thought that Bernie Sanders brought enormous energy and his new ideas and he pushed the party and challenged them. I thought it made Hillary a better candidate. I think she is whip smart. She is tough and she deeply cares about working people and putting kids through school and making sure we're growing our economy and so my hope is is that over the next couple of weeks we're able to pull things together."