In April Pakistan's internet sensation Taher Shah released his second music video, Angel. The expectations that had been raised by his previous release, Eye to Eye, were more than fulfilled as laughter, consternation and admiration over his unselfconscious OTT style spread all over social media.

The mystifying video of Shah, a lady angel, and a child angel walking around what appears to be a golf course, was followed by an explanation of why he sang it. Now he has released the making of the video.


In the video above Shah is seen improving his make up, walking around in Angel clothes, and also taking some tough calls on the filming of the path-breaking video.

There were drones involved, it is revealed, in case you were wondering about those sweeping shots.

This visual statement on the making of the video also interspersed with Shah’s wisdom on life and angels. “We can all be angels, a human, like an angel shines as a star. The angel’s character speaks like a flower. The stars are decorated by angels, like dew fills petals of a flower. All angels remain quite like those flowers, that persist silent but spreads their essence and always reside jovial.”


Now we see eye to eye with you, Taher.

But we couldn't possibly leave you without a reminder, could we?