If you thought the world of dating couldn't get weirder than Tinder, Grindr, and whatever Ashley Madison was, well you undermine the human propensity for weirdness.

Last week, a London bar held what is believed to be the world’s first ever underarm-sniffing speed dating event. Yes people actually got together to sniff each other out.

In the video above we see the attendees cover their heads with paper bags, with nose, mouth and eye holes cut out. Using inverted hollowed out paper cups they sniff other people, and then rate their rankness.


The event "Romancing the Armpit" was organised by a contemporary food design company Bompas & Parr, and its website explains the concept as “a small-scale revolt against a highly deodorised world and online-dating...”.

It further states, “The advantage of Romancing the Armpit speed dating is added awkwardness, giving a telling insight into their personality. Further, what’s the point in matching genetically with an armpit that belongs to an aesthetically intolerable face or nauseating character?”

“There will be no disguises or concealed sniffing at Armpit Dating. Your eye contact, humour, physical and emotional interactions during nose-to-pit engagements are set to reveal a lot.”

An RT report says, “Different tactics were used by those involved, with some choosing to groom their underarms while others remained unwashed so as to ensure their true essence emerged on the night.”

It also quotes a woman participant's experience: “There was a lot of smelly people. Only one person I liked the smell of and I’ve just seen him and I don’t think he’s attractive.”