Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is either a hit or a dud, depending on who's arguing. And after Twitter and Facebook, the two camps are now taking their battle to YouTube, with the videos promptly going viral.

Low on analysis but high on passion, these videos represent a new theatre of political debate by the aam aadmi.

In the video above, "Delhi Boy" Ajay Sehrawat makes an earnest appeal to Kejriwal to stop putting out so many ads. Beleaguered by the daily morning calls advertising Kejriwal’s schemes, he reminds the chief minister of his pre-ministerial days. A former believer in Kejriwal as a force of good, Sehrawat says he's disappointed now.


A prompt response comes from Palas Arneja, through a video countering "Delhi Boy"s allegations. Arneja defends the advertising and questions the need for criticism: “Why are you turning into media?”

Arneja's defence of Kejriwal turns into almost evangelical enthusiasm. "No one is perfect. He was not a born politician, neither he was a politician, he is a common man like you and me... I do mistakes, I am not perfect... It's not possible to be perfect. How can you even expect someone to be perfect? No one can be perfect, everyone makes mistakes."