If you look in the right places, few things are more inspiring than the strength of the human spirit. Twenty-six year old Amir Hussain Lone, who's from Kashmir, is the perfect embodiment.

When he was eight years old, Lone lost his arms in a tragic accident at his father's saw-mill. The family had to pay off their land for Lone's treatment. There was an initial struggle for Lone to fit in society. In the video above, Lone's father narrates how people chided him for putting the family at risk to save his son.


Later, when Lone joined school, a teacher told him, "Stay at home. Education is not for you."

This discrimination, coupled with the traumatic injury, could have broken the strongest of men. Not Lone though. Through sheer mental will, Lone made use of his two remaining limbs and bounced back emphatically. Despite the absence of his arms, he plays cricket expertly, holding the bat between his shoulder and chin while batting and delivering the ball (with enough nip and turn) from his right foot.

In fact, it would be a disservice to call Lone handicapped. Using his feet, he shaves as well as writes.

Lone is currently a part of the Jammu & Kashmir para-cricket team. But his achievements go beyond just sporting ones. In a world where negativity often reigns supreme, Amir Hussain Lone's story is a reminder that the human spirit may be tested but it can never be broken.