This might be the nearest man-made object to a human being, yet.

Boston Dynamics has a new video to celebrate ‘The Next Generation’ Atlas Robot. It shows off the latest version of the robot, which resembles a human.

Google’s humanoid robot-builders have created a version that's smaller, lighter and more agile. The company says that the new robot – which is about 5 feet 9 inches tall – is designed to operate inside buildings as well as outdoors.

Thanks to a complex array of sensors, the robot can measure distances, bend, pick, and place boxes just like any other human. Maybe better.


This video shows a human being tormenting poor Atlas with a hockey stick, constantly pushing a box out of reach or trying to knock it over.

But Atlas comes with great balance – it will neither topple over, nor be distracted from its task. And just in case it does fall, it's back on its feet quickly, without whining.

Better watch out for those factory jobs.