The 2016 US Presidential race is taking on hues of a fantasy drama. On Sunday Republican US Presidential candidate Marco Rubio compared his rival Donald Trump to Voldemort, the evil dark lord in the Harry Potter fantasy series. Now a well edited mash-up of Game of Thrones, the hugely popular saga of political intrigue, and Trump has emerged. Trump blends beautifully into the series as a really unlikable villain, of King Joffrey proportions.

The video has been created by Australian YouTuber Huw Parkinson and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s politics show Insiders.


Trump's real life statements are fit into the world of Westeros, like so:

"The people that are with me a 100 percent, are the people."

"I'd bring back waterboarding and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."

Waterboarding, in case you were wondering, is a prison torture technique where water is poured over a cloth covering a captive's face causing him to experience the sensation of drowning.

The video mocks Trump's battle with the Pope who said of him, "a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian", the border wall Trump so wants to build, and his xenophobic notion of people from across the border being "drug dealers and rapists".

Here Trump denies Danaerys Targaryen entry into Qarth, attempts to secure The Wall from illegal Wildling entry, and threatens to waterboard the armies of Stannis Baratheon.