Bad news for Manchester United fans. In fact scratch that, bad news for all the clubs in the English Premier League, except Manchester City.

Because, once jibed as the “noisy neighbours” by former United boss Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester City just pulled off the coup of the season on Deadline Day, the last day of the January transfer window. No, they did not buy a football superstar, they went one better and bought probably the current greatest manager in football currently, Josep “Pep” Guardiola.


But what makes Guardiola so coveted? Well for starters, whatever he’s touched has turned to gold since he started his managerial career at Catalan giants Barcelona. In his first season in 2008-09, he guided Barcelona to a historic treble, the Spanish La Liga, the Copa del Rey and the UEFA Champions League (video above). At the age of 38, Guardiola also became the youngest manager to win a UEFA Champions League.

He followed that up with three more titles in 2009-10, to achieve the "sextuple", six major trophies in one calendar year. When he finally left the Nou Camp in 2012, Guardiola had won 14 trophies in just four years.

It would be difficult to top such an incredible run of form but Guardiola was not finished. After a brief sabbatical, he decided to move to Germany and was appointed as Bayern Munich manager in 2013. Yet again, the trophies started piling up – under Guardiola, Munich won four major tournaments in his first season.

As “The Philosopher” decides to test English shores now, other clubs will be awaiting in trepidation. Manchester City have a reputation for breaking the bank but this time, no one can say that their money has not gone in waste.