Besides his signature on Indian notes, Reserve Bank of India Governor, Raghuram Rajan is also famous for his policy making strategies and economic predictions. But what happens when an 8th standard kid astounds him by asking a clever question? In a recent conference, a boy named Rajas from Sister Nivedita School, Dombivali East, Mumbai asked him “the mere rumour of the US cutting down on the federal stimulus saw the rupee crashing in value. When will we see an Indian policy affecting other countries so intensively?”

The question left everyone including Rajan stunned. Even if, as is quite possible, the student didn't write the question himself – he didn't seem to entirely understand what he was reading out – Rajan had no choice but to smile. He then appreciated the intelligent question and went on to answer it. Rajan said he believes that by the time Rajas would grow up, the rupee will be very strong by then and the RBI governor will have to make policies keeping the world economy in mind. He also added that the Indian economy would be among the top two or three economies in the world by the time Rajas would grow up.

He also said that it wouldn't necessarily be a good thing if Indian policy was affecting the rest of the world in a negative way. "I have been saying that the US should worry about the effects of its policy on the rest of the world, So if I stood by that, we should not be very happy down the line when Indian policies affect the rest of the world adversely," Rajan said. "We would like to live in a world where countries take into account the effect their policies would have on other countries and do what is right broadly, rather than what is right given the circumstances of their country."