What's happening in Greece is no laughing matter. The country is in a tremendous amount of debt, has just voted to not accept bailout terms from international creditors and could soon be leaving the Euro. And much of this is because Germany, one of the biggest creditors in all of Europe, doesn't want to forgive any of the Greek debt. In the eyes of many Greeks, the entire issue comes to stubborn Germans forcing austerity on Greece that will just put its economy back into recession. Germans, however, tend to see Greece as a country that spent too much when the money was flowing, but now is unwilling to pay back what they owe.

What if there was an easier way to settle the differences between the two? What if, say, the two countries that are fairly famous for their philosophers, could put together an all-star line-up of their best thinkers – and have them duke it out on the football field? This classic Monty Python sketch from 1974 featuring everyone from Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas to Archimedes and Immanuel Kant (and a befuddled Franz Beckenbauer, the only real footballer named) tells you what would happen.