Hoardings for expensive new residential complexes that boast of theatres, swimming pools, better air and un-Mumbai like environs (no noise, traffic, or pollution), could take a line or two, from the verdant, sprawling Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay campus. In the suburb of Powai – already somewhat away from the city, it is surrounded by hills and lakes, and has plenty of greenery lining the avenues.

But if you can't make it out to Powai, Arvind Ghorwal, a student of the institution, has you covered. The video Ghorwal posted, presumably shot with a drone, is an aerial view of the campus, offering a glimpse of the hills, lakes, theatres, football fields and the academic and residential buildings.

The "mini township", about an hour away from the more hectic city, has most facilities, "available on campus itself, including banks, a shopping centre, two excellent schools for children, and a well-equipped hospital. All students and most faculty live on campus, in student hostels and IIT staff quarters," according to the institute's website.

The second video below offers a 360-degree view of the campus and an experience from the point of view of its inhabitants. Watch this in high resolution to really immerse yourself in the video.