In an interview to India Today news channel, Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi has said that there was no threat to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s life on Wednesday when his convoy was stuck on a highway for over 15 minutes after being blocked by protestors. The prime minister was on his way to Ferozepur in Punjab from Bathinda airport when the incident occurred.
Channi appeared for an interview on India Today in a moving vehicle. On the way, Channi’s car was met with a group of protestors. The chief minister stepped out of the vehicle and spoke to the protestors and requested them to not block his way when they already have a meeting scheduled with him for Friday. “The prime minister was a km away from the protestors. If he had moved forward, the protestors might have tried to talk to him, just like they talked to me. How is that a threat?” Channi said.
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