fitness watch
Ageing and frailty are closely related but one is more worrying than the other
Callisthenics or the gym – what’s better for strength training?
Exercise helps burn more calories – but not as much as you’d think
Plyometric exercises: How these fast-paced muscle contractions build strength
Even minimal exercise can lead to major cardio health benefits, shows study
Physical activity can lead to a temporary memory boost
Why switching up your workout every few weeks is key to improving fitness
Lifespan vs ‘healthspan’: The importance of muscle strength in living longer
Five ways to supercharge your daily walk
Knee problems are common with age – an orthopaedic surgeon on the best treatment options
How to exercise your overlooked tendons
Five ways calisthenics is great for building strength, flexibility and endurance
Low injury risk, pain relief, better circulation: Maintaining flexibility is key to overall health
By boosting blood circulation, improving core muscle strength, walking can reduce lower back pain
Does running for the same distance as walking consume more energy?
What are the effects on the body of running every day?
Mid-life running works wonders for the knees, hips and spine
Fitness watch: Project launched in England to study causes of ACL injuries in women’s football
How ‘eccentric walking’ could improve muscle strength and balance
Resistance training is just as good as aerobic exercise, with the benefits of strength and power
Slow running could be better for your health – and how you feel about exercise
Why muscle loss, a side effect of cancer, can often be fatal and how it can treated
Cardio and weights are great for keeping fit, but what’s the optimal sequence for the best results?
How much does exercise help with longevity? Insights from a Finnish study of twins
Fitness watch: Why women athletes are more prone to ACL injuries than men
What’s the best way to work up a sweat at home?
Fitness watch: How to boost the body’s resilience to rising temperatures
Does exercise actually help you lose weight and keep it off? Researchers have mixed opinions
Fitness watch: How muscle memory helps you get back into shape after a break
‘Don’t dance like men’: Exercise tips for women from a 19th-century manual
Fitness watch: Do you get shin splints after running? Here's how to avoid them
Fitness Watch: How good is lemon water for you?
Fitness watch: Barbell exercises are ‘must do’ exercises for many but the truth isn’t as simple
Fitness watch: You don’t necessarily need to feel sore in the hours or days after exercise
Fitness watch: What is plyometric training and how it can help improve strength
Fitness watch: The three best ways to prevent injuries caused by running
Fitness watch: Three reasons why runners shouldn’t forget about strength training
Fitness watch: Here’s what the science says about low-carb diets
Fitness watch: Want to live longer? Get your diet right
Fitness watch: Want to keep exercising all year long? These three motivational fixes will help
Fitness watch: The best exercise is one you enjoy and can sustain over time
Fitness watch: Looking to start lifting weights in the new year? Here’s your quick starting guide
Fitness watch: What’s behind the so-called ‘runner’s high’?
Fitness watch: Does foam rolling alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness?
Fitness watch: Diabetes has risen globally by 16% in the Covid years. Time to get moving
Fitness Watch: How regular exercise can reduce brain inflammation and protect you from Alzheimer’s
Fitness Watch: Experiencing a weight loss plateau? Here are the reasons that may be behind it
Fitness Watch: Some exercises work for you, while some don’t? It’s all down to genes
Fitness watch: Being active can actually help relieve your back pain
Fitness watch: Why the ability to stand on one leg for a period is an indicator of good health
Fitness watch: The many benefits of a cold shower
Fitness watch: Can over-exercising really block up your arteries?
Fitness watch: Presence of specific ‘good’ microbes in the gut can affect how much weight you lose
Fitness watch: Resistance band exercises gained popularity during pandemic, but do they work?
Fitness Watch: Find it hard to reach 10,000 steps a day? Even 7,000 can help improve your health
Fitness watch: Injured during workout or playing sport? Here’s when to use a hot pack or a cold pack
Fitness watch: Can blood flow restriction training give athletes a boost in performance?
Fitness watch: Understanding what causes stress in sport and ways in which elite athletes can cope
Fitness watch: Recovery, avoiding soreness, preventing injuries – why a good cool-down is essential
Fitness watch: Should fat be part of your diet or not?
Fitness watch: Worried about poor sleep leading to poorer health? Exercise will help offset damage
Fitness watch: What causes the ‘heart block’ in endurance athletes
Fitness watch: MMA, combat sports illustrate the dangers of extreme weight cutting
Fitness watch: Don’t like exercising in a gym? Try a hiking workout instead
Fitness Watch: How exercise keeps your brain healthy and protects it against depression and anxiety
Fitness watch: Walking has clear health benefits across age groups – here are factors to consider
Fitness watch: Don’t like exercise? A hot bath or a sauna may offer similar health benefits
Fitness watch: Why F1 is one of the toughest sports in the world
Fitness watch: If you sit all day, then here’s why thirty minutes’ daily exercise isn’t enough
Fitness watch: How quickly do we go from ‘fit’ to ‘unfit’?
Fitness watch: What is the core and why is it important?
Fitness watch: A HIIT way to improve your heart health in just 15 minutes
Fitness watch: New study shows that exercise makes Covid vaccines more effective
Fitness watch: Can vegan diets truly reverse heart disease?
Fitness watch: Some types of sitting are better for you than others
Fitness watch: Ten thousand steps a day is great but even half the number will do the trick
Fitness watch: A sports dietitian on what to eat before running a marathon
Is exercise your New Year’s resolution? Try setting open goals to make sure you follow through
Fitness watch: Restarting exercise after a break? Here’s how you can manage muscle soreness
Fitness watch: If you are short on gym time, ‘supersets’ may help you reach fitness goals faster
Fitness watch: Three ways in which exercise changes the very structure of our brain
Fitness watch: Should you eat before or after exercising? Here are factors to consider
Fitness watch: Why you may have lost the motivation to exercise and how to get back on track
Fitness watch: Here’s how health problems due to muscle loss as we age can be prevented
Fitness watch: The science behind what separates elite endurance athletes from everyone else
Fitness watch: Curved tip shoes help you run better but are they good for your toes?
Fitness watch: Exercise could be an effective treatment for those with more than one chronic issues
Fitness watch: Sedentary behaviour is bad for you, so here’s what you should be doing
Fitness watch: A nutritionist explains what works best for weight loss and building muscle
Fitness watch: According to science, a rest day is as important as exercise itself
Fitness watch: Over 65 and planning to go vegan? Here's what you need to be careful of
Don’t skip skipping: Here are seven reasons why it is so good for you
Fitness watch: Eight simple eating strategies to fuel your body during a pandemic
Fitness watch: Ability, not age should be the factor determining the exercise you do
Fitness watch: You love exercising but how much is too much?
Fitness watch: AMRAP workouts – ‘as many reps as possible’ – are increasingly popular. Do they help?
Fitness watch: Is it better to sit on the floor than on a chair?
Fitness watch: Do high-intensity workouts? Be careful of a dangerous condition called rhabdomyolysis
Fitness watch: Back pain while working from home? These tips, as taught to astronauts, can help you
Fitness watch: Your stretching routine can give you a boost and here’s how to get it right