Fact and Fiction
Kunal Basu’s new novel pits parents and children against each other in a brutally bifurcated country
Hilary Mantel’s latest in the Thomas Cromwell trilogy brings to life the ‘unbiographical’ Englishman
The Mueller hearing proves that in a post-truth world, feelings have more weight than evidence
The lynching of two men in Assam shows the power of rumours across India
From dissing Darwin to yogic farming: A short history of the BJP’s brush with pseudoscience
Why ‘Exodus’, Leon Uris’s epic novel of Israel, is not what the country has turned out to be
Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ is here in our lives, and not just as a TV show
Can you spot the Nanavati murder case in these Salman Rushdie and Indra Sinha novels?
Yoga isn’t an all-Hindu tradition – it has Buddhist, even Sufi, influences
Why the Coast Guard official’s admission in the ‘terror boat’ case could change the entire story