Five lessons for today’s India from the Congress session in Belgaum a century ago
Why a US maths professor created a board game about the medieval Deccan empires
How the East India Company made a celebrity out of a shipwreck survivor in 1738
A volcanic eruption in Alaska may have helped weaken the Roman republic
How did the mighty Mughal Empire fall to a bunch of British merchants?
In 1819, this is how British Parliament praised Indian soldiers who fought in the battle of Koregaon
In Canada, Indian mission refuses to acknowledge a Chinese-Indian protest – and a historic wrong
Edison invented recordings – but it was the phonography studios of Spain that popularised them
These Azad Hind Fauj veterans in Singapore are proof that Netaji Bose’s legacy is still alive
Thinker, tailor, soldier, spy: The extraordinary women of Ghiyas-ud-din Khalji's harem
Watch: Mumbai was once covered with tramways (which may be coming back)
Remembering the 20th century theatre impresario who built Mumbai’s iconic Opera House
Egyptian city Naukratis was ‘Hong Kong of its era,’ finds British Museum excavation