Popular television and film actor Amit Mistry died on Friday from a heart attack in Mumbai. He was 47. His manager Maharshi Desai told Times of India, “Post breakfast he felt an ache in his heart and it was a heart attack and his family couldn’t even take him to the hospital.”
Mistry’s credits include the television shows Ssshhhh Koi Hai, Tenali Rama, Maddam Sir, Savdhaan India, Dafa 420 and Shubh Mangal Savadhan and the web series Bandish Bandits. In the movies, his talent for subtle comedy was best exploited by the directors Raj & DK, who cast him in 99, Shor in the City and A Gentleman. Among Mistry’s final roles is in an upcoming web series by Raj & DK.
“Amit was incredibly spiritual and our last chat was about relationships and careers and how they impact a man,” the directors said on their Twitter account. “Prophetically he had said, they could make or break a person. The times are so excruciatingly bad, that it damages the best of us.”
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