Tamil movie star Ajith will star in the official remake of Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury’s Pink, producer Boney Kapoor confirmed in a press release on Friday. The 2016 legal drama stars Amitabh Bachchan as a lawyer who represents Taapsee Pannu’s character in a sexual assault case. The untitled Tamil remake will be directed by H Vinoth, who has previously directed the films Sathuranga Vettai (2014) and the Karthi-starrer Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru (2017).

Yuvan Shankar Raja will compose the remake’s soundtrack. The rest of the cast has not yet been named.


The film will be the first Tamil production by Kapoor’s Bayview Projects, the producer said in a press release. The remake will aim for a May 1, 2019, release, Boney Kapoor added. Kapoor said that he would be collaborating with Ajith on a second project, which is scheduled for 2020. Zee Studios will co-produce both the films.

Kapoor said in the press release, “While working together with Ajith for English Vinglish, Sridevi had expressed her desire that Ajith does a Tamil film for our home production to be produced by me. Nothing exciting came up till one day last year, Ajith suggested remaking Pink in Tamil. She immediately agreed with him as she thought it was a most appropriate and timely film to make and Ajith would bring all the elements required to make it into a great Tamil film.”

Among Ajith’s upcoming films is Viswasam, which is scheduled to be released in January 2019. He played the character portrayed by Amitabh Bachchan in the Tamil version of Gauri Shinde’s English Vinglish in 2012. In another, less direct connection with Bachchan, Ajith headlined Billa, the 2007 remake of the 1980 Rajinikanth-starrer of the same name, which itself was a remake of Bachchan’s 1978 film Don.