Remakes, covers and parodies of songs (and videos) probably occupy nearly half of the internet’s video space. Some are great, some make you wonder why they exist, and others are downright hilarious.

And then there’s the video above. It is a shot-for-shot remake of the Swedish pop group ABBA’s insanely popular song from 1975, Mamma Mia, complete with the vintage outfits, the awkward dancing and the close-ups of the singer’s faces. The only difference in this version is that it comes with a modern take on the original wardrobe, sleeker hair and some newer dance moves.


YouTube stars Merrell Twins were enlisted for making the video along with musical duo Superfruit by Universal Studios and content studio Portal A. Why? To promote Mamma Mia!: Here We Go Again, a sequel to the ABBA-inspired 2008 musical film Mamma Mia!, starring Meryl Streep. The film, also starring Amanda Seyfried, Christine Baranski, Pierce Brosnan, Dominic Cooper, Colin Firth and Cher, was released in the United States of America on Friday.

Watch the original (below) if you have doubts about the accuracy.

Promotions for the film also included Seyfried singing Google Translate versions of ABBA songs on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon:

And, talking of derivatives of Mamma Mia, here’s one you may recognise: