The awfully contrite phrase “Something is better than nothing” best describes the efforts of the makers of the web series All About Section 377.

The series takes its name from Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalises homosexuality. Director Amit Khanna, who also plays a central character in the eight-episode mini-series, uses the title to highlight issues concerning the LGBT community, especially the stigma that follows people who openly identify themselves as queer. The series began its webcast on March 27 and is aired on YouTube once a week.

All About Section 377 narrates the story of a wide-eyed young man named Suresh Choudhary (Gulshan Nain), who travels from Delhi to Mumbai to fulfill his acting ambitions. He moves into the apartment of his cousin Rohit Mehra (Amit Khanna), a well-established fashion photographer. Rohit is gay and lives with his model boyfriend Siddharth Juneja (Ankit Bhatia) and indifferent domestic helper Chhotu (Mustafa Shaikh).


In the fifth webisode released on April 20, Mehra’s house, which doubles as his studio, is host to a bevy of scantily clad male models who are posing for a photo shoot. When Mehra steps out for a snack break, two bystanders laugh at his effeminate ways and insult him. Mehra’s brother steps forward to defend him.

The series takes places mostly inside an apartment that provides the backdrop for the situational comedy. Characters indulge in profanity, risqué humour and a fair amount of navel gazing. Sloppy editing and poorly scripted sequences can be overlooked since the purpose is to discuss homosexuality without reducing it to sordid melodrama.

Khanna, who writes, acts and directs, stands out among the cast for his character’s lisp and garrulous personality. He appears to be the love child of Pooja Bhatt and Karan Johar. Khanna injects his brand of entertainment with a conscientiousness that should be applauded but ultimately gets muddled by poor execution.

Despite its technical shortcomings, the series does manage to shine a light on the representation of LGBT culture in mainstream entertainment. All About Section 377 is a wobbly start, but it holds out the promise of better things to come.