The Netflix series She, created and written by Imtiaz Ali and led by Aaditi Pohankar, is back for a second season. She explores the sexual awakening of undercover police constable Bhumika (Pohankar), who runs into the gangster Sasya (Vijay Verma) while posing as a sex worker. Both repelled by as well as turned on by Sasya’s moves, Bhumika embarks on a journey of sexual awakening that leads her to Sasya’s boss Nayak (Kishore Kumar G).
The seven-episode second season, directed by Arif Ali, will be premiered on Netflix on June 17. The cast included Vishwas Kini as Bhumika’s handler, Shivani Rangole, Sam Mohan and Suhita Thatte.
Here is a recap of season one.
Also read:
‘She’ review: Profane games and limp erotic thrills
‘I have arrived’: How web series ‘She’ has given Aaditi Pohankar the role of a lifetime
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