The India Meteorological Department on Monday said that the cold wave is likely to return to Delhi over the next two to three days, PTI reported. The Capital may also witness dense fog conditions during the period.

“A cold wave is likely to grip the city over the next two to three days as icy winds from the snow-laden western Himalayas bring the mercury down to 4 degrees Celsius,” said Kuldeep Srivastava, the head of the Regional Weather Forecasting Centre in Delhi.

The Capital’s minimum temperature on Monday was 7.8 degrees Celsius. On Sunday, Delhi had recorded the lowest maximum temperature of the month at 15 degrees Celsius.


Meanwhile, Delhi’s air quality at 1 pm was in the “very poor” quality, according to the Central Pollution Control Board. The air quality index value stood at 330.

Several other parts of North India also saw a drop in temperature on Monday and were engulfed in a dense layer of fog.

The cold wave also returned to Jammu and Kashmir, with temperature on Sunday night dropping to -5.2 degrees Celsius in Srinagar, the Hindustan Times reported. After fresh snowfall, dry weather conditions are likely to prevail in the region till end of January.