Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday hit out at dynasty politics, calling it a reason for political and social corruption. Addressing the valedictory function of the second National Youth Parliament Festival on the occasion of spiritual leader Vivekananda’s birth anniversary, Modi stressed upon the need to uproot dynasty politics from the country.

“The biggest enemy of democracy still exists and that is dynastic politics,” he said, according to PTI. “Dynastic politics is such a challenge before the country and it has to be rooted out.”


The prime minister said that dynasty politics leads to involvement of people who are only concerned about the fortunes of their families, resulting in autocracy within a democratic setup. He said that the impact of dynasty politics was diminishing in the country, but was yet to be completely done away with.

“It is true that the fortunes of those who have been winning elections on the basis of surnames are dwindling,” Modi said. “But this disease of dynasty politics is not completely finished yet. There are people whose politics is still aimed at saving their family.”

He also urged young people to join politics, suggesting there had been a perception change in the country. “Earlier if a young person joined politics, his family used to say that he has been spoilt,” Modi said. “Because politics used to be equated with chaos, loot and corruption. But today, honest people are getting their opportunity. Honesty and performance is becoming the priority.”

Speaking on Vivekananda, the prime minister said that he gave India the gift of turning individuals into institutions. He said that Vivekananda’s views on nationalism, spirituality and nation building continue to stay relevant.