The Delhi High Court on Thursday directed Tihar Jail authorities to take Jamia Millia Islamia student Asif Iqbal Tanha to a hotel in Delhi’s Lajpat Nagar area for preparations of his exams, scheduled to start on December 4, reported Bar and Bench. Tanha is in judicial custody and facing charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for his alleged role in the February violence in North East Delhi.
Last week, a trial court had granted Tanha a three-day custody parole for December 4, 5 and 7, following which he moved the High Court for an interim bail, according to Bar and Bench.
Tanha’s counsel submitted that he would not be able to study properly in custody, adding that bringing him to the exam centre and taking him back to the jail will lead to wastage of time, reported The Indian Express.
Appearing for the Delhi Police, Additional Solicitor Genaral SV Raju, opposed the interim bail plea. “A large number of persons study in jail,” Raju said, according to Bar and Bench. “He would not have asked for time if he had not studied...we will give all material.”
Raju suggested that Tanha can be permitted to stay in a guest house, but in judicial custody, during the examination. The suggestion was accepted by Tanha’s counsel. The court directed that Tanha will be sent to the prison after his last exam on December 7.
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