Actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan were discharged from hospital on Monday after they tested negative for Covid-19, actor Abhishek Bachchan said. They had tested positive on July 12, a day after veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan and his son Abhishek Bachchan were found to have contracted the infection. Only Jaya Bachchan had tested negative in the family.

“Thank you all for your continued prayers and good wishes,” Abhishek Bachchan said in a tweet. “Indebted forever. Aishwarya and Aaradhya have thankfully tested negative and have been discharged from the hospital. They will now be at home. My father and I remain in hospital under the care of the medical staff.”

On July 17, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was admitted to Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai after being initially home quarantined with her daughter. On July 12, the Mumbai civic body officials had sealed “Jalsa”, the Bachchan family’s home, and declared it a containment zone. All four bungalows of the Bachchan family were also sealed after sanitisation. They were unsealed on Sunday.


Till Monday morning, Maharashtra had registered 3,75,799 total coronavirus cases, including 1,48,905 active cases, 2,13,238 recoveries and 13,656 deaths, according to the Union health ministry. Of this, Mumbai alone accounts for 1,09,096 cases and 6,090 deaths, according to the Mumbai civic body’s last update on Sunday evening. There have also been 80,238 recoveries in the city.

In May, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation had released a revised testing protocol, under which patients with mild symptoms do not require to be tested before being discharged. Testing was made compulsory only for discharging the patients in a critical condition.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and her daughter reportedly had mild cases of the virus.


The central government’s testing policy also mandates that mild, very mild, or pre-symptomatic cases admitted to coronavirus care facilities “can be discharged after 10 days of symptom onset and no fever for 3 days”, adding that “there will be no need for testing prior to discharge”.

“At the time of discharge, the patient will be advised to isolate himself at home and self-monitor their health for further 7 days,” the Union health ministry’s guidelines read.

India on Monday reported 49,931 new coronavirus cases, taking its overall tally to 14,35,453. This is the highest single-day surge in fresh infections. The toll rose by 708 to 32,771. More than 9.17 lakh people have recovered.