Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been unwell and will be tested for the coronavirus, Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjay Singh said on Monday. Kejriwal went into self-quarantine after he developed a sore throat and fever.

“Delhi CM [Chief Minister] Arvind Kejriwal was complaining of fever and sore throat since yesterday, after which he isolated himself at his residence,” Singh wrote on Twitter. “He will undergo Covid-19 test tomorrow [Tuesday]. He is also diabetic.”

AAP leader Raghav Chadha told NDTV that the chief minister had not been sleeping well amid the worsening coronavirus situation in the Capital. “We are all worried, but Mr Kejriwal is a fighter,” Chadha said. “He hasn’t slept very well either.”


Chadha added that Kejriwal had come into contact directly with some of his party’s members and bureaucrats. “The symptoms started showing since yesterday [Sunday] afternoon,” Chadha told the news channel. “He hasn’t interacted with anyone since then. There were largely meetings over the last few days over video. But he did come in direct contact with members of the party, cabinet, bureaucrats.”

The AAP leader also wished a quick recovery for Kejriwal on Twitter. “Dear Arvind Kejriwal, you are our inspiration and hero, a frontline warrior against coronavirus,” he wrote. “You put yourself at risk for the well-being of people of Delhi. As you face a health challenge, our thoughts, wishes and prayers are with you.”

Several other party leaders also took to Twitter to wish Kejriwal good health. “Our beloved Arvind Kejriwal has mild fever and sore throat since yesterday [Sunday] and is in self-isolation on doctors’ advice,” AAP MLA Jarnail Singh tweeted. Tomorrow [Tuesday] he will get a Covid-19 test at 9 am. We all pray for your good health.”


On Sunday morning, Kejriwal had attended a Cabinet meeting. He did not meet anyone following the meeting, and was feeling unwell since Sunday afternoon, PTI reported.

For the past two months, the chief minister has been attending meetings through video conference. All meetings of the Delhi government have been cancelled for Monday, News 18 reported.

Meanwhile, Delhi has reported 28,936 cases and 812 deaths so far, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

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