Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath on Saturday said no public gatherings will be allowed in the state till June 30. “[The] chief minister has directed officers that no public gathering be allowed till June 30. Further decision will be taken depending on the situation,” the Office of Adityanath said in a tweet.
The nationwide lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic is in place till May 3, and Uttar Pradesh has so far recorded 1,621 cases, and 25 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health.
The decision was taken in a meeting held with the chairpersons of 11 committees of the state, ANI reported. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a meeting with chief ministers on Monday, and likely discuss further measures after lockdown.
The chief minister said officers should take help from postmen to deliver money to people to avoid crowd in banks. “Around six lakh people have spent 14 days in quarantine in the state and are now home. If someone runs away from quarantine, file a police complaint against them,” Adityanath was quoted as saying by The Times of India.
The chief minister also directed people to perform prayers at home with the beginning of Ramzan. “The month of Ramzan has begun. In view of the corona [virus] infection, all religious leaders have appealed [to people] to stay at home and offer namaz,” the chief minister’s office said. “It should be ensured that there is no programme anywhere as it is likely to spread the corona [virus] infection.”
Adityanath said that most number of positive Covid-19 cases have been traced to the Tablighi Jamaat, and these members should be identified, tested and quarantined. “The cases were low in districts where the lockdown has been implemented effectively.”
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