Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday assured residents that there would be no surge pricing by ride-hailing services such as Uber and Ola during the implementation of the odd-even scheme from November 4 to November 15, PTI reported. A notification to implement the scheme was issued by the Delhi government on Friday.

The road rationing system is an attempt to reduce traffic on the streets of the national Capital. It prohibits plying of vehicles based on the last digit of their registration numbers – vehicles with odd digits are not allowed on even dates and vice versa.


“I have held review meetings with all departments to ensure readiness,” Kejriwal said, according to NDTV. “All cab companies have been instructed not to levy surge pricing...they have promised cooperation in this regard.”

“I also appeal to all auto drivers to run only by meters,” he added. “We have fulfilled all your requests and ask that you also cooperate with the public.”

He said the offices of some departments of the Delhi government will start work at 9.30 am and others at 10.30 am during the period.


The chief minister appreciated the contribution of people to keep a check on pollution, and said about 80% of school children did not burst crackers during Diwali, ANI reported. “It is extremely unfortunate that on social media some Opposition leaders were inciting children to burst more crackers,” he said.

Kejriwal reiterated that the increase in pollution was due to stubble burning in the neighbouring states. “This is how Delhi’s sky looked on September 30 and this is how Delhi’s sky looks now,” he said while showing two photos. “So what changed in one month except for stubble burning?”

With the air pollution in the Capital touching severe-plus levels from Thursday night, a panel set up by the Supreme Court declared a public health emergency in the Delhi-National Capital Region on Friday. Kejriwal announced that all schools in Delhi will remain closed till November 5.


The odd-even scheme, a part of the Graded Response Action Plan to combat pollution, was first implemented in 2016 in an effort to reduce dense smog in the city during winter. November to January are the most polluted months in the National Capital Region. However, it was found that the implementation of the scheme made little to no difference to the city’s air quality.

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