The Ministry of External Affairs said on Wednesday that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India, and that other countries should not comment on its internal affairs, ANI reported. Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar made the remarks after Chinese President Xi Jinping told Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan that Beijing was observing the situation in Kashmir.

“We have seen the report regarding meeting of Chinese President Xi Jinping with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan which also refers to their discussions on Kashmir,” Kumar said. “India’s position has been consistent and clear that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. China is well aware of our position. It is not for other countries to comment on the internal affairs of India.”


India had scrapped the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 of its Constitution, on August 5. It also decided to convert the state into two union territories – Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, and imposed a curfew which is slowly being eased. India’s actions were condemned by Khan and Pakistan, with Khan claiming that he feared a massacre in Indian-controlled Kashmir. China was one of the few countries that backed Pakistan’s stance at the United Nations General Assembly session last month.

Xi, during a meeting with Khan in Beijing on Wednesday, told the Pakistan prime minister that “the rights and wrongs of the situation in Kashmir are clear”, China Central Television reported. “China supports Pakistan in safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests and hopes that the parties concerned can resolve the dispute through peaceful dialogue.”

Xi called the relationship with Pakistan a “unique all-weather strategic partnership” that can withstand changing international and regional situations. “China has always given priority to Pakistan in its diplomacy and will continue to firmly support Pakistan on issues involving its core interests and key concerns,” Xi said.


“Pakistan helped China in its difficult time,” Xi said, according to the state-run China Global Television Network. “Now that China has developed, we hope to help Pakistan sincerely.” Xi also asserted that China appreciated Pakistan’s efforts in fighting terrorism. Khan was on a two-day visit to China.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Xi are scheduled to meet in Mamallapuram near Chennai for an informal summit on October 11 and 12.

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