Bollywood actor Salman Khan on Friday failed to show up at a Jodhpur court in Rajasthan after being summoned in connection with the 1998 Blackbuck poaching case, The Indian Express reported. The actor had challenged his conviction order by a lower court that had given him a five-year jail term for killing two blackbucks during a film shooting.
The Jodhpur District and Sessions Court has now listed the matter for hearing on December 19. Khan’s counsel Nishant Bora contended that there was no need for the actor to appear as the court had not specified it. The lawyer told the court about the death threat against Khan, and voiced concerns about the law and order situation every time the actor appeared in court.
The actor received a death threat on the Facebook group of the Student Organisation of Punjab University, the varsity’s student union. The person, identified as Gairi Shooter, threatened to kill Khan in a post on September 16. The police said they were investigating the matter.
“The police are on alert,” Deputy Commissioner of Police Dharmendra Yadav said, according to IANS. We also gave proper security to the celebrity when he came here for hearing previously.”
On July 4, the Sessions Court judge had asked Khan to appear before it on September 27 and said that failing to do so may lead to his bail being cancelled, India Today reported. Prosecution lawyer Mahipal Bishnoi also claimed that the court had orally asked the actor’s counsel to make him appear in court. Khan has not made an appearance before the court since May last year when he was allowed bail.
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