The Russian ambassador in India on Wednesday said that Moscow’s position on the Kashmir matter was identical to New Delhi’s view, PTI reported. The recent decisions on the state of Jammu and Kashmir are in accordance with the Indian Constitution, Nikolay Kudashev said.

“This is the sovereign decision of Indian government, it’s an internal matter of India,” Kudashev said, according to the Hindustan Times. “All issues existing between India and Pakistan should be resolved through dialogue on the basis of Simla Agreement and Lahore Declaration.”


Roman Babushkin, deputy chief of the Russian embassy in India, added that his country had no role to play in the matter. He said that during the United Nations Security Council meeting on August 16, Russia had held that the matter was internal to India.

Earlier this month, India had revoked Jammu and Kashmir’s special status. Pakistan, which has fought three wars with India over Kashmir, responded by downgrading diplomatic ties, suspending bilateral trade, and halting the Samjhauta Express and Thar train services between the two countries. India said Pakistan’s reaction was meant to present an “alarming picture” of bilateral relations to the international community. India added that Jammu and Kashmir was its integral part and hence it was an internal matter.

Russia had made similar remarks in support of India’s decisions earlier.