Over 95% of tourists and Amarnath Yatra pilgrims had left the Kashmir Valley by Saturday afternoon, following a warning by the Jammu and Kashmir administration of a possible terror attack, the Hindustan Times reported on Sunday.

“Almost 95% tourists have left,” Director of Tourism Nisar Wani said. “Those who could afford to buy tickets went by flights while those who could not were sent in Air Force planes. Many were ferried in the buses and cars during the night.”

Wani said that 32 fully booked flights flew tourists out of Srinagar International Airport on Saturday. The Airports Authority of India said that 6,216 passengers reported at Srinagar International Airport on Saturday, of which 5,829 passengers travelled by the 32 flights, IANS reported. The other passengers were accommodated in four Indian Air Force aircraft and flown to Jammu, Pathankot and Hindon.


“All the possible support has been extended at the Srinagar airport by ensuring safety and security of the passengers,” the statement said. “All passengers were flown out of the Valley in a planned and systematic manner.”

National carrier Air India on Sunday capped its fares at Rs 9,500 after the Ministry of Civil Aviation asked airlines to keep fares in check so that pilgrims could move out of the state. The Amarnath Yatra was scheduled to end on August 15.