The Tamil Nadu government on Monday approached the Supreme Court seeking to extend the timing to burst firecrackers, reported ANI. The state government said bursting of firecrackers should be allowed between 4.30 am and 6.30 am on Diwali, according to The News Minute. In some states, including Tamil Nadu, the festival is primarily celebrated in the morning.
On Tuesday, the top court said firecrackers can be burst only between 8 pm and 10 pm on Diwali and other religious festivals, except on Christmas Eve and New Year’s night, when they will be allowed between 11.55 pm and 12.305 am. The court refused to impose a blanket ban on firecrackers, allowing the use of “green crackers”.
Firecracker manufacturers in fireworks production hub of Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu said they would file a review plea against the Supreme Court’s order allowing only the use of “green crackers”. The Tamil Nadu Fireworks and Amorces Manufacturers Association said there “was no such thing”.
Green crackers cause minimal toxicity and minimal fumes, according to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s National Environmental Engineering Research Institute.
The Supreme Court’s order came on a petition seeking a complete ban on the manufacture and sale of firecrackers across the country to curb air pollution. The Centre had opposed the petition, and suggested that the Supreme Court issue an order to impose rules on the manufacture and sale of high-decibel crackers.
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