The body of a seven-year-old girl, who was reported missing on October 6, was found covered by a gunny bag on the rooftop of a mosque in Ghaziabad’s Muradnagar the following day, Uttar Pradesh Police told PTI on Monday. Senior Superintendent of Police Vaibhav Krishna said a preliminary investigation indicated that she was strangled to death.

The police are waiting for the autopsy report to find out if she was sexually assaulted, The Indian Express reported. “The police had taken cognizance of the complaint and were looking for her since Saturday,” said Sadar Circle Officer Prabhat Kumar. “On Sunday morning, a local who had gone to the mosque found the body on the roof, over which a jute sack was spread like a sheet.”


Kumar said no arrests have been made yet. “Based on the family’s complaint, we have named four neighbours of the victim as accused,” Vaibhav Krishna added.

The girl’s father has accused local councillor Azaaz Baig of murdering her because of political rivalry and a dispute between their families. “According to the father, the girl’s uncle had contested against the accused in the local body elections and he linked the crime to this rivalry,” Krishna said.