Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti won the Anantnag seat by more than 11,000 votes on Saturday. She was reportedly leading by over 6,000 votes at the end of the fifth phase of counting. The bypoll, which was held on Wednesday, recorded a 33% voter turnout. The seat has been vacant since the death of former Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed on January 7. Members of the Congress have alleged irregularities during counting, and claimed that the electronic voting machines have been changed and are without labels, ANI reported.
Mehbooba Mufti, of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party, was a prime contender in the bypolls. All chief ministers need to be member of the state legislature within six months of being sworn in. All separatist leaders and guerrilla outfits had asked voters to boycott the polls. However, no violence was reported during the bypoll.
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